Bloggings, Musings

No more Babble

I think it's been pretty obvious for a while, that my blog hasn't been high on my list of priorities. Which is sort of true. I still spend so much time writing posts in my head and wondering what new ideas I can come up with. I love to write, I love to blog. But… Continue reading No more Babble

At Our House, Musings

Girl in chaos

This is my girl through and through. She lives in her own frenetically paced bubble. Yesterday when she jumped out of the car I just had to snap this pic - it's so her. In the seven minute drive from school to home she managed to pull everything out of her bag and then scramble… Continue reading Girl in chaos


Reintroduction: Living Fearlessly

Living fearlessly is, for me, living happily. It's about playing life to my own tune. It's about doing what is right and good for myself and my family. It's about doing things that challenge me. It's about living in the moment. It's about making choices that bring true joy. It's about being true to myself in what… Continue reading Reintroduction: Living Fearlessly

Faith, Musings

Reintroduction: Faith

In tough times, we all need something or someone to hold us up. In my challenges I was provided with everything I needed, although I couldn't always see it at the time. I needed hope, strength, bravery, and shelter to find peace. It is my strong faith in the promises of the bible that provided all of… Continue reading Reintroduction: Faith

Blended Family, Musings

Reintroduction: Family

I don't for a second believe that family is only those we are tied to through shared genetics. I grew up with a step-father who is my dad in every way (aside from the obvious biological difference). So I knew from a young age what real family is. As far as my immediate - husband and children -… Continue reading Reintroduction: Family

Best Babble, Bloggings, Musings

Let me reintroduce myself

There are moments in life that define us - maybe immediately, or perhaps they set off a transformation that rolls out over time. A journey. The last few years have been the latter for me. Quite simply, I'm different to the me who was here two years ago. It's fair to say I've been through the fire… Continue reading Let me reintroduce myself

Faith, Lyrics Verses Quotes Books, Musings

My one thing

The other day I wrote about intentionally living in the moment. Every day. I can, and do, live here and now because I know where I'm from, where my strength comes from, and where I'm going. I'm really enjoying the new Hillsong worship album: Open Heaven River Wild. I actually love pretty much everything any of… Continue reading My one thing

Faith, Musings

Here and Now

Life is such a journey - and every day I learn, and yearn, to live in the journey, savouring each step of the way. The good steps, the big steps, the painful steps ... all the while, admiring the beautiful view. The view around me, and view that is me. Yes I did say that:… Continue reading Here and Now


Eating myself well (ish)

That, over there on the right >>>>> is me at 4pm on Friday. This week I worked two half-days and one full day, I slept most of Wednesday and both afternoons where I only worked the morning. There were more naps in between, and outside of work, driving kids and cooking meals, I've sadly achieved… Continue reading Eating myself well (ish)


Beautiful Heart

My daughter is without doubt, the biggest challenge of my life so far. I love her dearly - each and every part of her that makes her ... well, ... her. But boy oh boy is my intelligent, highly emotional, stroppy, strong-willed girl a challenge to every bit of patience that I have. She was the… Continue reading Beautiful Heart

Lyrics Verses Quotes Books, Musings

Red lights

Today I drove through a red light. Seriously, not just, the light was amber and I made a call to sneak through. Nope, the light was red, I didn't even see it, I just kept driving. At an intersection I drive through daily! Man did I get a fright. I'm so grateful for God's protection… Continue reading Red lights



I am, without question, an optimist. Very intentionally so. I learnt, as a 15-year-old, the difference between an optimist and a pessimist. I didn't realise it at the time, but it was a life-defining conversation that will forever shape who I am. It was a wintry day, wandering along one of my favourite beaches with my Nan. We both… Continue reading Diamonds


Note to self: Honesty

There's a song I've been playing over and over a lot lately. If We're Honest. I love love love this song. The tone, the lyrics, the message, and of course the divine voice of Francesca Battistelli (I love this vibe for her, much more than her more commercial 'pop' sound). Honesty is something that's very much on… Continue reading Note to self: Honesty

Making Memories

Making memories

Yesterday someone pointed something out to me. Something really important. Something that I thought was a slightly funny but inconsequential moment, was actually potentially significant. Bear with me... Yesterday on the school run I had fractious kids - I blame Monday! I was pre-coffee and not really up for the noise levels that six kids, mostly boys, can produce (I also pick… Continue reading Making memories

Lyrics Verses Quotes Books, Musings

Watering your dreams

"Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be… Continue reading Watering your dreams

Faith, Musings

Prowess – I am / You are ENOUGH

Yesterday I posted about being enough. I am enough. You are enough. Even on the days when we feel like we don't measure up WE ARE ENOUGH. This morning a friend posted this story on her Facebook feed. This friend has the most amazingly beautiful heart and I'm almost always inspired by what she posts.… Continue reading Prowess – I am / You are ENOUGH

I am enough
Best Babble, Faith, Musings

I’m not enough

I can't be all things to all people. I'm always letting someone down. I know that. On some level, I know that trying to be what everyone else wants/needs is a pursuit that will never end well. I also know that I probably place more of those pressures on myself than anyone else. But don't we all… Continue reading I’m not enough

Blended Family, Musings

When 1 + 1 = 8

Earlier this month we went to one of the most beautiful weddings I think I have ever attended. The setting was gorgeous, outdoors under well established trees in a beautiful garden. We sat on hay bails covered with white taffeta as the sun dimpled through the trees. The groom was handsome, the bride was stunning.… Continue reading When 1 + 1 = 8

At Our House, Musings

Where to start?! New adventures for a new year!

You know I've been away so long, I almost don't know where to start. There's so much busting to get out of me here that when I start writing, I can't be sure I'll be able to stop. Could be a long night! OK, let's just start with where we are. So it's February. Already!… Continue reading Where to start?! New adventures for a new year!

At Our House, Musings

Bullying still sucks

Regular readers of Abbie's Babble might be aware of our struggles this year with bullying (my seven-year old daughter has been bullied over the last few months). Unfortunately, things have hit an all-time low and I felt forced to remove my girl from school for the rest of the year (our school year finishes in 10… Continue reading Bullying still sucks

Lyrics Verses Quotes Books, Musings

December is here – the first Christmas post

This is the first Christmas post, it will not be the last. Something to get us thinking...

Faith, Musings

We all have a story

I used to think that I didn't have a testimony. I am so ordinary and I didn't have a big 'ah-ha' moment or life changing interaction with God. "I don't have anything to say" I used to tell myself. How can anything I say make a difference to anyone else? I mean, we've all heard those amazing… Continue reading We all have a story


Feeling strong

It came as a bit of a shock to me the other day. I realised I was okay. I am actually okay. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I have clarity, peace and calm - my thoughts and feelings aren't overshadowed by one specific emotion or event. I'm living and… Continue reading Feeling strong

At Our House, Musings

When being yourself equals trouble

Over the weekend I had a great chat with my daughter, quite possibly, the best so far. We had a two-hour road trip and we talked. And we talked. The. whole. time. I can't speak for Nat, but for me, that was so good for my soul. I feel like we totally connected and were both… Continue reading When being yourself equals trouble