
Virtual Blog Tour Award

So here's an award that's a little different. But first things first, let me use my manners and say a big thank you to Marla over at A Pendulum World for nominating me for the Virtual Blog Tour Award. Again I say, I'm so pleased (and surprised) when someone thinks of Abbie's Babble when developing… Continue reading Virtual Blog Tour Award


Humbled by the Lovely and the Liebster

Once again, some one, actually in this case, some oneS, has noticed my little blog and nominated me for a couple of awards. I'll make my acceptance and thank-yous in a slightly unconventional way if that's okay. Thank you Marla from A Pendulum World for the Liebster. I'm not sure how you stumbled across my blog,… Continue reading Humbled by the Lovely and the Liebster


Sisterhood of the travelling something…(award)

Okay I'm just kidding with you. I have been nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers award. But like Wax, who nominated me, my first thoughts were to the book Sisterhood of the travelling pants which I really enjoyed (pretty sure the movie was ok too). Anyway, I digress, back to the award. Once… Continue reading Sisterhood of the travelling something…(award)



Oh my oh my oh my. So I've been nominated for the Liebster again. This blows me away. Honestly, I write/blog for me - I pretty much spew words straight from my heart to the keyboard. I'm amazed every time a complete stranger likes or comments on something I've written. Let alone follows me ... and keeps… Continue reading THE LIEBSTER (AGAIN?!)



So after getting over the shock that someone noticed my blog enough to actually put my name on the list for a Liebster Blogger Award, I admit I was pretty pleased. A big thank you to Dyanne over at Her Other Lovely Sides for the nomination. I enjoy her blog because, like me, she sets out to… Continue reading THE LIEBSTER