Bloggings, Faith

Reading your own blog

Do you ever go back and read over your old blog posts – wander through the past and take a look at where you’ve come from in the last few weeks/months/years?

In my head, I had that as a reason to start blogging, a way to chronicle these days of my life. I’m so glad I wrote so much down last year! A LOT happened and wow, as a person, I have changed so much.

Psalm 27:7I just spent some time flicking through my archives and looking at my journey since last May. I’m proud of what I’ve come through, and how I’ve come through it. I’m so grateful to my God for never leaving me and for always strengthening me, even if He did have to drag me through some of those stormy days kicking and screaming.

And I’m so excited.

I am now full of peace, joy and calm. I’m excited about the future (not forgetting the NOW of course). But looking back and seeing that much growth in such a short time, and knowing that now, I am actively and intentionally seeking to be on this journey with Him, I just have to be excited about where my Creator is going to take me next. I can see doors that I know will start to open. At last. Bring it!

Abbie Signature

10 thoughts on “Reading your own blog”

  1. Thank you for your inspiration! This fits right along with our daily challenges of keeping it real and I love the idea of choosing to reflect back and seeing how much our God has done for us. xxx


  2. That’s also one of the reasons why I blog. It’s great to look back and reflect… and be thankful how God has helped us. 🙂


  3. I could not agree more. I just went back the other day and looked at my old posts…it is inspiring. I’m so glad that you do the same. Writing is powerful and so important in difficult times. I love this.


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